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1912 Building
318-20 Main St., Depew, OK
These two store fronts both have murals in the boarded up windows. But
the buildings are in ruins with nothing but walls standing behind the
The store front on the right has "Depew" between the dates
19 & 12 across the top of the building. That makes it one of the
oldest buildings on Main Street in Depew. The paintings are of a little
girl reaching for the door knocker and people looking out the windows.
The dates on this panel are very faint, but they are still visible.
I'm guessing at the address number, but the post office is on the right
side of these store fronts and it is 316 while the old Spangler's Grocery
is next door west side and it's address is 322. The power pole in front
of the store fronts has the number 318 on it.
Photo(s): 2012