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Glancy's Courts / Western Motel712 Opal Ave., Clinton, OKPhone: (580) 323-4588
In the early 60s the Western was listed in the Congress Inns Travel Guide. That guide described the motel as offering air-conditioned room, TV and radios in all room switchboard operated phones, cribs, a swimming pool and playground. Room rates were 7.00 - 10.00+ dollars. This was the office for the 1952 version of the motel. Wong's Restaurant stands on the east side of the motel office building. ---------- Glancy
Auto Courts NOTE: I think this postcard is from the 1950-52 time period.
It's interesting that the name on the front of the card and on the back
of the card a slightly different. Beyond that and pretty picture all
the card really says is that the courts are air conditioned and the
place is on the so called "66 short cut" which refers to the
4th street /Opal Ave., to 10th Street alignment of 66. Photo(s): 2015