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Roy's Cafe, Motel & Gas Station
Historic Route 66, Amboy, CA
Roy's has appeared in a number of commercials and other advertising and
it is a very popular stop for Route 66 enthusiasts. By 1938
Roy Crowl was operating a garage & service station here. By 1970 Crowl's
partner, his son-in-law Buster Burris, owned the whole town. Buster built
the famous Roy's sign to honor Crowl and celebrate Crowl's retirement
in 1959. The motel at Roy's has been closed for years, but the limited
menu cafe and the gas station are open, but I'm not sure of the hours.
There is still a U.S. Post Office across the road from Roy's.
A long and welcoming counter greets customers in the cafe which was
added to the complex in 1945. The menu was limited to beverages and
packaged deli style sandwiches when we were there.
not an illusion, or just the perspective of the photo, the roof of the
motel office actually swoops up to a high point at the front corner.
Look at the windows to see how much. This building looks like it was
probably built in the 1950's. According to postcard images it predates
the now famous sign.
a view of the motel lobby and lounge looking past the reception desk.
long closed motel included the original six cottages that were built
around 1948, five are shown here but all six are standing. The cottage
closest to the original motel office was apparent a two unit building,
the others each contained just one unit.
newer building was set back behind the original six cottages. The two
story sections on the ends of the building each contained several rooms
in wings that extended towards the foreground of this photo. At some
point those portions of the wings were torn down, but you can still
see a boarded up doorway on the second level. The number of advertised
rooms in the motel varied over the years, reaching a high of 40 and
then declining to 30 before it closed. Some reports mention an 18 unit
building, which I suspect was the one story center section seen in this
photo with the two story sections added later.
There was some pretty cool mobile art hanging around in one of the cabins
when we stopped by in the spring of 2015. This is one of the cooler
things we've seen on the Mother Road. The art on display in the cottages
apparently changes from time to time. These artworks were part of the
Golden Smiles Salty Tears by the Swiss Artist Severin Guelpa.
we visited Amboy in 2017 there was still art on display in the cabins
at Roy's, but there was also some new pieces display outside across
the road. I don't know who the artist(s) were for these outdoor pieces.
don't know what to call this , it's kind of a cross between Something
you'd see at Elmer's
Bottle Tree Ranch in Oro Grande and a Shoe
Tree like the ome that more or less collapsed into a wash just east
of Amboy.
Vintage Advertising Highlights
Motel, Cafe, Garage and Service Station. 40 new deluxe air-cooled motel
units with tile showers. Air-cooled cafe, complete home cooked meals.
Competently staff garage and service station. Airport with 4,000 foot
runway. Diesel truck stop. 73 mi. west of Needles. 78 mi. east of Barstow.
NOTE: This postcard is from the 50s and shows a Shell gas station
sign and the older motel sign as well as the cottages. This was before
the modern motel office was built in back of the cottages.
Photo(s): 2013 and 2015, 2017