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Amboy School
Historic Route 66, Amboy, CA
Beginning in 1903 Amboy had it's own school, but it closed in 1999 due
to a lack of local students. The first school was built by the Santa Fe
on the east side of town and later moved to this site when a new school
was built.
This tiny school managed to have an U. S. astronaut, Lacy Veach, speak
at their graduation ceremony in 1991. Veach had just spent 10 days in
space aboard the Challenger shuttle. The ceremony honored one kindergarten
graduate and three eighth grade graduates. The visit was arranged by
the teacher who had attended school with Veach as a child in Hawaii.
Like small town schools everywhere, this one grew and dwindled with
the school age population. In 1991 there was a total of 22 students
attending the one room school. They spanned from kindergarten through
grade eight. The description of the school makes me think this might
have the sole classroom for that year. One teacher and one aide made
up the teaching staff This was one of only 32 one room schools in California
and about 700 in the whole country in 1991.
As a side note, Mary McGee, one of the last two teachers at the Amboy
School had purchased the Whiting
Brothers Station in Newberry Springs in 1982 with hopes of restoring
it. The restoration didn't happen, but the station still stands.
The larger building closer to the road appears to have been a gymnasium
/ cafeteria / auditorium. In early 2015 there was some talk about turning
the property into an artists colony. That would require the local school
district that owns the building to approve the use and transition either
through a lease or sale of the property. I'm not sure what happened
to that proposal.
Photo(s): 2013