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Crookton Junction Bridge
Crookton Rd, Crookton, AZ
The abandoned 1937 Crookton Junction bridge over the BNSF railroad tracks
is a great spot to do a little train watching. Parking isn't real easy
here, but we have found it to be easier on the west end of the bridge.
The old bridge is falling apart in places, so watch where you walk.
The new bridge that replaced this one was built in 1958. The name Crookton
Junction refers to the junction of two sets of tracks about one mile
east of the bridge. The junction no longer exists since the set of Santa
Fe RR (ATSF) tracks that branched off to the south has been abandoned
and removed.
The newer (1958) bridge is on the left in this photo, more or less on
the west side.
Photo(s): 2013