About all that can be made out on this old neon sign is the word "Court"
indicating that at one time there was an motor court style motel here.
The small rectangle above the Court would have held the name Watt. A bit
of the neon tubing was still in place when this photo was taken in 2012.
According to one source the Watt Court was built in 1930. It's a bit unclear,
but there were perhaps six guest rooms and 4 garages here.
The Watt Court sign is located at 717 First St. across the street from
the abandoned Texas Motel &
Restaurant. That's on Route 66 on the east side of town.
Photo(s): 2012
About Us We started traveling Historic U.S. Route 66 as a destination in 2009. It's like a 2,400 mile long drive back in time from Chicago to Santa Monica! more
You Know: Many parts of the old 4 lane Route 66 were reverted to a 2 lane
road after 66 was realigned to the interstate. In many places the abandoned
lanes are still there.