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> McLean >
Consumer's Supply Company
119 E. Railroad St., McLean, TX
This mid-50s gas station, garage and grocery store on Railroad St. at
Rowe was built by Ted Glass and and Art Dwyer who moved there business
to this location from a spot on Main Street after Railroad became the
eastbound Route 66 in early 1953. McLean was the first town in Gray County
to have any one way streets.
An addition on the west end of the station at some point in time. I
don't know what kind of a gas was sold here but it has some interesting
lighting fixtures on each end of the pump island. The flat roof section
behind the main building was a small grocery store.
Two old light fixtures and three gas pumps still stand in front of
station/garage located on Railroad St. and Owe St. I don't recall ever
seeing lights like those shown here on the pump island..
Pictures taken May 2012