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Rock Cafe
114 W. Main St., Stroud, OK
Phone: 918-968-3990 link
The Rock Cafe was built between 1936 and 1939 by Roy Rives using stone
he bought for $5 . The cafe has changed hands many times but has always
been a cafe. At one point the cafe was also a Greyhourd Bus stop including
the period around WWII when it served service men on their way to and
from their duty stations. In 2008 there was a fire but the owner, Dawn
Welch rebuilt and reopened a year later.
neon sign was installed in the late 1940s. There are little multicolored
flag panels on the sign posts. The former Mamies General Store occupies
a small building next to the cafe. The gift shop was named for Mamie
Mayfield who operated it and the Rock Cafe from 1959 - 1983. The cafe
is on National Register of Historic Places.
There is a small but very nice Veterans Memorial Park next to the cafe
parking lot.
Photo(s): 2013