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Western Motel
315 NE Hwy. 66, Sayre, OK
This is one of the more wonderful neon signs on Route 66, look closely
at the desert scene with the cactus. That whole panel was surrounded by
something like 57 incandescent light bulbs. Some of the incandescence
were missing when this photo was taken in 2012, but the neon tubing seems
to be mostly in place. I'm pretty sure that maintaining these old signs
is a real job The smaller rectangular sign in the front of the sign is
a later addition.
The Western Motel on Route 66 in Sayre Oklahoma no doubt provided a
good nights rest for many travelers on America's Mainstreet. With 25
rooms that rented for $5 to 9.00 in the mid-60s it was modestly priced
for the time. The motel is located at 2nd Street & Old 66. This
photo and the postcard below show how little the motel had changed between
the early-60s and 2012 when we snapped the photo.
Vintage Advertising Highlights
U.S. Hi. 66 N.E. & I.H. 40
Phone WA 8-xxxx
The newest and most modern motel in Sayre. Refrigerated air conditioning
- Family Units - Vented Heat - Wall-to-Wall Carpets - Combination Tub
& Shower - Tiled Baths - Storm Shelter - 25 Units - Telephones -
Playgrounds - 2 Restaurants close by.
Marvin and Gwindola Williams, Owners
Note: According to this early 60s postcard the motel offered
just about everything a traveler could want, except maybe televisions
which aren't mentioned on the postcard. No mention of TVs in the 60s
seems odd. I haven't seen every ad for every Route 66 motel, but this
is the only one I've seen so far that mentions a storm shelter as a
Photo(s): 2012