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Johnnie's Bar
225 N. Jefferson, St. James, MO
Johnnie's Bar started life in 1928 as the Commercial Cafe (AKA Rose Cafe)
owned by John and Mable Rose. By sometime the 1940s it was Snell's Cafe
and in the early 50s was Mary's Cafe. It was also a Greyhound Bus stop
in the 1940s and 50s.
John Bullock began renting the building in the early 60's and converted the
place into a bar called Johnnie's. He eventually buying the property
in the 1980s. It is now run run by his son.
This is the only original late 1920s building left standing at this
out the large marquee style neon Stag Beer sign outside. In addition
to the Stag sign the building has been significantly modified. It looks
like most if not all of the doors and windows have been moved or otherwise
Photo(s): 2016