The 1914 Lucas building that was the home of Lucas Confectionery. In Memorial
day marches after WWI Lucas handed out free ice cream to marchers who
made it from the cemetery to his store. Later John Follis operated a restaurant
in this building.
1952 this was home to Norma and Bill's Cafe. From 1953 to 1998 it was
Nellie's Cafe / Northside Cafe. It was Birdsong Antiques when we went
by in 2016. It's apparently open limited hours so we weren't able to
get inside, but it sounds like there is a vintage soda fountain counter
and cafe booths from the old days.
Photo(s): 2015
About Us We started traveling Historic U.S. Route 66 as a destination in 2009. It's like a 2,400 mile long drive back in time from Chicago to Santa Monica! more
You Know: Many parts of the old 4 lane Route 66 were reverted to a 2 lane
road after 66 was realigned to the interstate. In many places the abandoned
lanes are still there.