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Heritage Corner
Gov. Oglesby St.
The heritage Corner commemorates the history of Elkhart and Abraham Lincoln's
stops in the town. The large display talks about the history of Elkhart
and lists points of interest on a map. The smaller displays talk about
Abraham Lincoln and his relationships and appearances in the area.
This display commemorates a conversation between Abraham Lincoln and
Richard Latham in front of Latham's Kentucky House near Elkhart Hill.
[NOTE: The phone number and website shown on the small black
sticker in the upper left hand corner of this sign and the one in the
photo below no longer work.]
This plaque shows Lincoln and John Dean Gillett in front of Gillett's
Cornland farm home.
Across the street there is a Route 66 Wayside Exhibit, a silhouette,
and a Welcome to Elkhart sign. The silhouette in the center represents
the 1930s child actress Shirley Temple drinking a soda and a waitress
carrying treats on a tray, commemorating a visit to Elkhart by the then
child actress .
The welcome sign lists the towns establishment date as 1855.
The Catering to Travelers Wayside marker talks about the four gas stations
in the mid 1930s and a stop for lunch by Shirley Temple at the House
by the Side of the Road Cafe.
Photo(s): 2016