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Dunes Motel
23135 W. Main St.
I think the Dunes Motel was built in the 1940s or 50s, but I'm not sure
about that. It is consists of four buildings, each with four units, that's
16 total units, one of which was probably the managers apartment and office.
It's pretty evident where the name came from by seeing the small sand
dunes in front of the motel. There was a swimming pool between the buildings
and the road.
At this point W. Main St. is also National Trails Highway and San Benardino
County Rd 66 (old Route 66). The motel sits on about 13.25 acres of
These buildings are set back far enough from the road that if you aren't
careful you'll zip right by them without noticing. Spotting the sign
out by the road is your best bet.
image shows the front of two guest units. Look at the difference in
the window arrangements. Most of the other rooms had the windows boarded
up when we went by in 2017. I took the liberty of blurring the graffiti
above the windows. Vandals had painted quite a bit of that on the buildings
as well as having broken some of the windows, which is sad to see.
Photo(s): 2013