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Trail of the Pioneers Marker
Hinkley Rd at Jiggs Rd.
The "Trails of the Pioneers" Historic Marker is located less
than a half mile from the current National Trails Highway on Hinkley Rd.
. This intersection looks pretty desolate, and yet it is where, or close
to where, several pioneer trails intersected over the years.
The Mojave Indian Trail -1776,
American Trapper - 1826,
Old Spanish Trail - 1829,
Salt Lake Road - 1848,
Military Road - 1857,
National Old Trails Road - 1907
Route 66 in 1927
Today the intersection is signed as Hinckley Road at Jiggs Road.
Hinkley Rd is about 1.5 miles or so past the Dunes Motel, turn right
on Hinkley and go about a half mile or a bit less, cross the railroad
tracks and go a couple hundred feet to the intersection..
Hinkley Rd at Route 66 GPS: 34.830373, -117.180260
Historic Marker GPS: 34.834473, -117.186454
It's a pretty desolate looking intersection from this view. That's Hinkley
Road going across the railroad tracks heading towards National Trails
Pictures taken Spring 2013