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Lorenzo's Hobbll Trading Post
523 West 2nd St., Winslow, AZ
The old Lorenzon Hubbell Trading Post and Warehouse now houses the Winslow
Visitor Center. It was built as a shipping point on the rail line for
the trader Hubert Richardson in 1918 and sold to the Hubbell's in the
1920s and it became a trading post for goods exchanged with the Navajos
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in
2002 and now serves as the Winslow visitor center. The land it sits on
was leased from the railroad for 99 years.
You can still read much of the faded signage on the front of the trading
post. I'm not sure which signage came first, but starting at the very
top it's pretty easy to read "Navajo Rugs", "Hubbell",
Lorenzo Hubbell CO,", "General Merchandise", "Baskets",
"Trading Post", "Pottery". The lowest risers have
Navajo on the left and Hopi on the right side in this photo.
In 1932 Lorenzon Hubbell commisioned what would become the worlds largest
Navajo rug. At 26 x 36 feet the rug took 5 years to complete, after
which it was on display at the Trading Post for many years. I reportedly
cost Hubble 15,000 dollars and sold in the 1970s for more than $500,000.00.
Allan Affeldt, of La Posada, purchased the rug in 2012 and donated it
to the Winslow Art Trust.
are more faded signs on the east side of the building.
trading post did enough business to warrant having it's own railroad
railroad siding extended across 2nd Street to a warehouse used for storing
and processing wool before it was shipped out.
Photo(s): 2013