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Sitgreaves PassRoute 66 East of Oatman, AZPhone:
GPS: 35.045520, -114.360142 Until 1967 the Summit Station and Ice Cream Parlor stood in this pull-out. All that's left of those buildings are some foundation walls and slabs. This pullout is on the east approach just before the crest in the pass. It's popular spot to stop and take in the view as well as being a great photo opportunity. That thin line running across the photo is the road going down the hill on the east side of the pass. That's a relatively gentle grade only rising 1,400 feet in 9 miles compared to the steeper grade coming from the west which rises 700 feet in only two miles, making the west approach more than twice as steep as the east. In his 1946 book "A Guide Book to Highway 66" Jack Rittenhouse notes that the west approach is so steep that drivers could hire a tow truck at Goldroad to pull their cars up to the crest for only $3.50. ---------- HORSEHOE
PASS NOTE: The second postcard looks east from the summit.
Photo(s): 2013