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John Osterman's Gas Station
865 Route 66, Peach Springs, AZ
According to the 2012 Route 66 in AZ Survey this is John Osterman's Gas
Station that was built in 1928, but that date may be open to question.
A sign on the front of the Trading Post next-door shows a photo of what
looks like a similar building here standing next to the original one story
frame Trading Post. An early (mid-1930s?) postcard shows what appears
to be the same building signed as the Peach Springs Super Station with
a huge canopy over the service drive.
The gable roof is a much later addition a common fix after a flat roof
had leaked often enough to drive an owner to distraction. Going by the
number of windows I'm guessing there was a cafe or store inside as well
as serving as the gas station office.
building seems to be continuing to deteriorate with the roof getting
a little more swayback every time we go by.
Photo(s): 2013