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Former Phillips 66 Station
12883 Oatman Hwy, Golden Shores, AZ
There is an old Phillips 66 gas station in Golden Shores on the Topock-Oatman
Rd at Chircahua Dr. . The gable roof appears to be an obvious later
addition to the building.
pumps are gone, but the price sign was still in place in 2019 and showing
you could get a gallon of gas for $0.66.9. I'm guessing that's a reference
to Phillips 66. The section on the back of the building might have been
a later addition, and most likely the shed roof on that section came
even later.
not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the white garage building next
door wasn't part of the station operation at one time.
the changes at a point of interest aren't so much to a building as to
its surroundings. The sign is a little hard to spot from this angle.
Compare this 2015 photo to the 2019 photo at the top of the page to
see what a change to landscaping can do. If you were expecting to see
the palms to help locate the station you might drive right by it today.
This was, or had recently been a church when this photo was taken.
Photo(s): 2015