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Ranchotel / Morning Star Hostel
2501 SW 6th Ave., Amarillo, TX
The former Ranchotel was built in 1940 by the Randall Construction Company
for Chester and Betty Bordwell at a cost of $20,000.00. What they got
for that price was a U shape motor court with 16 guest units including
12 singles and 4 doubles, connected by 14 garages, and a residence/office
building in the middle of the courtyard. With just 16 units this was probably
a common size motor court being built at the time as it was the manageable
size for owners to operate. Rather than numbers, rather rooms were branded
similar to cattle brands. The room keys carried a brand matching that
on the door.
The original wooden sign out front included a life size cowboy throwing
a lariat and a horse. "Ranch-O-Tel" was spelled out in actual
rope. The sign was illuminated by flood lights.
The Bordwells sold the property in 1952. After Route 66 was realigned
in the 1950s and 6th became Business 66 the motel eventually became
apartments and at some point the garages were converted to living spaces.
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in
When we snapped this photo in 2012 the sign read Morning Star, but only
on one side, the other side was blank. According to the NRHP registration
forms in the mid-1990s the property was been used by the Morning Star
Hostel and Mark Schupp Center to provide housing for the homeless and
hospice services for people with HIV/Aids.
Photo(s): 2012