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Foyil (Texaco) Filling Station12243 S. Andy Payne Blvd, Foyil, OKPhone:
At one time there were gravity fed "visible" gas pumps on the island between the columns supporting the canopy. Notice the building has two doors and it equally divided in half. The south (right) half was used as an office and small store and the north (left) half was where they kept things like tires belts, etc. that were used for light auto repair. The original owner, Thomas B. Millard came to Foyil in 1898, he bought the land and built the station in the early 1920s, then sold it to his brother William in 1926. Floyd Schaffer had started running the station in 1932 before buying it in 1937 and going on to run in until the 1960s. Thomas Millard had come to Foyil with two other companions, one was J.P. Andrews. The is now owned by the great-grandnephew of J.P. Andrews. Photos: 2016