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Devil's Elbow Overlook
Teardrop Rd., Devil's Elbow, MO
You can see the railroad bridge over the Big Piney River below the Scenic
Overlook on old Route 66 just up the hill west of Devil's Elbow. The town
got its name because a nearby bend in the river caused big logjams of
railroad ties and/or logs being floated down the river.
1926 there was no guard rail or wall to keep drivers from going over
the edge here. A wooden fence went up in 1928 followed by a post and
cable version sometime later and the WPA built this stone wall in 1938.
That's good because it's a long steep drop on the other side!
The scenic overlook offers a spectacular view of the surrounding scenery.
The Missouri State Planning Commission listed this location as one of
the state's "Seven Beauty Spots" in the 1920's.
The Planters of Pulaski County Garden Club landscaped the outlook. The
Roadside Attraction sign here says this spot is also one of the Hampton
Hotels Save-A-Landmark program sites worth seeing.
Vintage Advertising Highlights
NOTE: This early postcard shows the wooden guard rail that was
later replaced by the rock guard rail shown in the photo above. There
is no descriptive text on the back of this postcard.
Photo(s): 2012