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Old Ludlow Cafe
Route 66, Ludlow, CA
The ruins of the former Ludlow Cafe building still stood a couple of blocks
east of the newer Ludlow Route 66 Cafe. The old cafe was on the north
side of Route 66 next to a former Union 76 gas station. Earl and Lillian
Warnix ran the cafe for many years before selling it in the early 1960s.
Keeping help in a desert location like Ludlow apparently wasn't all that
easy as evidenced by a more or less constantly running help wanted ad
in the San Bernardino County Sun newspaper at least as far back as 1948
and well into the 1960s.
building stood open and deteriorating in this 2013 photo. It had been
boarded up before a fire in 2008. I don't know exactly when the cafe
closed, but a 1983 newspaper photo shows it looking pretty much like
the one above, except the Ludlow Cafe lettering was still on the building.
second fire picked up where the first one left off and inflicted even
more damage on the building.
2015 the building had been reduced to ruble, but the light post out
front survived.
Lee Yim was proprietor in 1935.
Photo(s): 2013, 2017