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Palm Tropics Motel
619 W Route 66, Glendora, CA
Phone: 626-914-4702
Talk about a 50's vibe, the Palm Tropics Motel looks the part. It's probably
older than that though because the postcard mentioned below is of the
"linen" variety that flourished from the early 1930s to the
late 1940s. I've seen references ti this being a "cottage style"
motel so it might have had garages in the beginning. I'm guessing that
would seem to put in the the 1940s. It is located next door to The Hat
Restaurant on Route 66 just west of S. Grand Ave. They used to have a
cafe but that seems to be gone.
Here's a little better look at the neon sign that was in place in 2013,
but has apparently been replaced with a no-neon version since then.
a heavily landscaped courtyard in the center of the complex.
Vintage Advertising Highlights
Palm Tropics Motel & Cafe
557 W. Alosta Ave. (U.S. 66) Glendora, Cal.
Phone: Fleetwood 5-2292
12 minutes to the Santa Anita Race Track
A new, elegantly furnished, fully carpeted motel with singles, doubles
and Pullman equipped kitchenettes. Full tile baths, Panel Ray heat,
radios. Excellent Cafe in Connection - open Early and Late.
Note: The address changed somewhere along the way, but the motel
stayed where it was on what was then Alosta Avenue. The address changed
at least one more time to 19305 W. Alosta and the phone number changed
from Fleetwood to EDgewood. Things apparently were really on the move
in Glendora at the time, that's progress for you.
Photo(s): 2013