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Kelly's Restaurant & Motel
National Trails Hwy. (Rt. 66) at B St., Daggett, CA
In 1947 James & Elsie Kelly opened their Kelly's cafe here. They also
built a small motel and put up a huge sign up across Route 66 to get the
attention of travelers.
motel looks like it might have been built in two stages. This is one
of two duplex style buildings along the south fence. There is also a
six unit building with a slightly different architectural style along
the east fence that is not visible in this photo. So maybe 10 guest
units in all.
The huge, but now blank sign was still standing in 2015. The arrow
read Restaurant may have had running lights and neon, pointing the way
to their place across the street. The neon and other lights are gone,
so you need to use your imagination. It is located on Route 66 and B
Photo(s): 2013 and 2015