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Desert Market
35596 Santa Fe Ave., Daggett, CA
Phone: 760-254-2774
The Desert Market with it's Spanish style architecture stands on Santa
Fe St. at Mill St. The building was rebuilt of solid concrete after a
fire in 1908, making it the first fireproof building the Mojave Desert.
Before the fire it was the General Supply Store, when it reopened after
the fire it was known as Ryerson's General store.
used to be a pair of"visible" gas pumps out front under a
canopy that was slightly wider than the center two columns and projected
out from them providing a shade pump drive. On top of being a general
store and Shell gas station they also sold tires and other auto related
supplies. The sign on the side of the building indicates that the market
is also the Village U.S. Post Office.
Photo(s): 2013