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Tugboat Annie's Restaurant
962 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont, CA
The former Tugboat Annie's Restaurant was the Sushi Cruise when this photo
was taken in 2013. Tugboat Annie's dates back at least to 1969 and is
located on Foothill Blvd. West of Mountain Road.
delayed grand opening celebration was held for the ship-shaped seafood
restaurant in August of 1969. The opening featured a sample of their
fish & chips, pins for the kids and barber shop quartets!
1982 the building had been sold and became The Original Shrimp House
Restaurant. It had become the Sushi house by the time we saw it in 2013,
and by spring 2015 had become Sushi Maru. Sometime between 1969 and
1982 the address changed from 930 Foothill to 962 Foothill while the
building itself stayed put in its original location.
Photo(s): 2013