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Winona Trading Post13673 Townsend-Winona Rd, Winona (Flagstaff), AZPhone:
It is easy to miss this spot because at first glance it appears to be on the access ramp to westbound I-40 as you exit the freeway at exit 211, But it is a two way road until you go passed the trading post. So look for the Shell sign and proceed across Winona-Townsend Road to the trading post. GPS: 35.202585, -111.408804 Notice that the Shell sign has space for an extra letter. That's because the station was a Texaco when the sign was originally erected after I-40 opened and blocked the westbound view of the station. The original trading post was built in the very early 1920s by Billy Adams and soon included a Post Office. Billy's wife, Myrtle became the Postmaster. Soon after the original trading post was built it was followed by several cabins. According to one source there was also a long gone two-story 16 room hotel built using stones from Indian Ruins on the property. The cabins were still featured on a sign in front of this building in the mid-1950s. The cabins were down the hill behind the current buildings. At some point Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magnuson became owners of the property and business. In 1947 the Magnusons sold out to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pill, who took over and built a new trading post near the site of the original, I think that "new" building ids the current one. In 1996 Nick's son Joe sold the business to Gus Baber and Randy Watkins. The small gabled canopy on the front of the building replaced a large drive through version that covered the original pump island with its three pumps. Later new pump islands and a huge canopy were built between the trading post and the service garage. The garage building on the west side of the trading post was added in the late 1940s or early 1950s. ---------- WINONA
TRADING POST NOTE: It's interesting that they mentioned the view of the San
Francisco Peaks on the postcard, hardly an attraction for a trading
post or gas station, but didn't mention cabins even though the Cabins
sign is shown on the front of the postcard.
Photo(s): 2015, 2019