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Whiting Brothers Gas Station
2220 (?) Navajo Blvd., Holbrook, AZ
This abandoned 1939 Whiting Brothers gas station is located on Navajo
Blvd. between W. Carlos Are& Encanta Drive. It features a Streamline
Moderne style that became popular in the 1930's and is visible in the
curved corners of the building. A faded red stripe around the parapet
was typical of these stations. This photo was taken in 2012.
GPS: 34.928071, -110.140947
2015 the building site had become a little more overgrown with weeds.
Both these first two pictures show a tiny bit of the old Whiting Brothers
sign laying on it's side on the roof. Sometimes the camera distorts
an image, but in this case that canopy really is unusually long. Most
of the old sign is laying on top of the canopy and only a short bit
extends back onto the building itself.
Photo(s): 2012 and 2015