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Farmers Bank Murals

224 Broadway Ave., Davenport, OK

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The date 1905 and the name Farmers Bank appear on the front of the building at Main St and Broadway Ave. The Davenport Masonic Lodge #260 appears on the Main Street side of the building. In 1908 they met on the second floor on the fourth Saturday of each month. In the same year the I.O.O.F Lodge 191 met in the same space every Wednesday night. This was later home to the First National Bank of Davenport. The faintest of ghost lettering still exists near the top of the building.

x The south wall of the 1905 Farmers Bank Building holds a huge 32 foot tall mural depicting the 1891 Land Run. The scene is taken from a Harper's Weekly magazine. Other murals were inspired by photgraphs from the time they represent.

Other murals on this wall include a portrait of Nettie Davenport, who was the first postmaster and who the town was named after. The early log cabin post office where she worked is also pictured as well as a stage coach and horses.

Photo(s) 2012



x About Us We started traveling Historic U.S. Route 66 as a destination in 2009. It's like a 2,400 mile long drive back in time from Chicago to Santa Monica! more
xDid You Know: Many parts of the old 4 lane Route 66 were reverted to a 2 lane road after 66 was realigned to the interstate. In many places the abandoned lanes are still there.