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1926 Pryor Creek Bridge
E. 1st St. (S4260 Rd), Chelsea, OK
You can find this bridge on E. 1st Street, which was the original alignment
of Route 66 in Chelsea. E. 1st turns into S4260 Rd. as it approaches the
bridge. The sign on the Pryor Creek Bridge tells us it was built in 1926
by the Oklahoma Highway Commision. In 1932 Route 66 was bypassed just
north of this bridge and E. 1st (S4260 Rd) intersects with the new road
just east of this bridge.
A historical marker is located near the east end of the bridge. According
to the marker, this is the only remaining bridge of the Modified Pratt
Through Truss design in Oklahoma.
Here's a detail shot of the interesting guardrail on the bridge. The
123 foot long bridge was added to the National List of Historical Places
in 2006.
Photo(s): 2013