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Arlington & Jerome >
Larry Baggett's Trail of Tears
N Outer Rd (Hwy. D), I-44, exit 172, Jerome, MO
Larry Baggett created this monument to the Cherokee Trail of Tears that
goes across his property. This is an example of dementia concretia and
very interesting to see. He passed away in 2003 and the property was sold
in 2005. As of 2017 the property was being restored with a possible opening
in spring 2018.
To get to the property take I-44, exit 172 to the north side which
is Hwy. D then go east.
GPS: 37.910285, -91.980749
The gate was closed when we were there in 2016 so we only saw a few
things close to the road.
This looks like a neat place to sit and rest a spell while contemplating
all there is to see here.
Here's a little closer look at the Trail of Tears sign.
Photo(s): 2016