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Miners Bank
100/2 E Main, Carterville, MO
The 1907 Miners Bank Building building is in fairly original condition
except for newer windows and the large garage door opening on Main Street.
I believe it was built by J. W .Miller who was also president of the bank.
The bank met its end in June of 1924 when it merged with the First National
Bank of Carterville, as was announced in a July 3rd newspaper article.
That left the town with only one operating bank.
I don't have a date, but at some point, presumably after the bank moved
out, the city acquired the building and used it for the City Hall, Fire
Department, Police Department and Jail. The large garage door was probably
added when the fire department moved in. The addition on the east side
housed a multi-bay garage, which appears to have been a later addition.
The city owned the building until 2006.
Two interesting notes are that the bank tellers "gage" and
two jail cells are still in place. At one time there were apartments
to the (1909) 7th Biennial Report on Examinations of the State Banks
of MO. The Miners Bank of Carterville was chartered on October 22, 1906.
J.W. Miller was the president of the new bank.
W. Miller was the first president of the Miners Bank of Carterville.

L. and Sharon Knisley acquired the building from the city in 2006. The
Knisleys used the building for the Triple K saddle Shop business.
something that the Miner's Bank building has in common with the old
First National Bank down the street, both had their names set in tile
on the sidewalk in front of their buildings. But here's a small mystery,
in these tiles the name includes an apostrophe, but the name carved
above the door does not.
Photo(s): 2018